属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非洲企业家 同舞者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术与中东 卡塔尔的艺术女王
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高龄母亲的福音 45岁也能生娃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类繁衍 45岁也能生娃
1 | 通常,若电弧电流超过5-10A时,在中性点绝缘系统中会引起电弧接地过电压,此电流值在大多数运行在33kV以上系统中存在 | Generally isolated neutral systems give rise to serious arc grounding voltages if the arc current exceeds the region of 5 to 10 A which covers most systems operating above 33 kV. | |
2 | 违反有关法律或规定或导致民事责任的行为; | violate any applicable law or regulation give rise to civil liability; | |
3 | 系统内各质点间可能存在着的相互作用力,会产生内力矩。 | The interaction forces that may be present among the particles of a system give rise to internal torques | |
4 | 相反,在本国投资,本国货币需求提高,增加了它的价值。 | Conversely, investment in this country will give rise to an increased demand for the home currency and push up its value. | |
5 | 小孢子两种孢子中较小的一种,其产生一雄性配子体 | The smaller of two types of spores that give rise to a male gametophyte. | |
6 | 小迷路血管痉挛能引起眩晕和听力丧失。 | Spasm of the small labyrinthine vessels can give rise to vertigo and hearing loss | |
7 | 引起许多争论 | give rise to much controversy | |
8 | 用人单位设有依法公布的职业病目录所列职业病的危害项目的,应当及时、如实向卫生行政部门申报,接受监督。 | The Employer engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive business that tends to give rise to the occupational diseases included in the state checklist of occupational diseases should declare to the competent public health authorities and accept their supervision. | |
9 | 由于社会的欲望、期望和压力而产生了法律,伦理标准的产生也是如此。 | Social desires, expectations, and pressures give rise to laws, and standards of ethics do likewise | |
10 | 在发生引起或可能引起本保险单项下索赔的损失时,被保险人及其代表应 | In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall: | |
11 | 在进行交流时,要考虑文化的不同,否则会产生不可预料的后果。 | Cultural differences should be taken into consideration in communication, otherwise it would give rise to the unexpected consequences. | |
12 | 战势不过奇正,奇正之变,不可胜穷之也。 | In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack--the direct and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of maneuvers. | |
13 | 这些巨型客机会给它们起降的机场带来如何处理大量乘客这样一个棘手问题。 | These huge aircraft will give rise to awkward problems of dealing with their large numbers of passengers at the airports from which they operate. | |
14 | 正如其他抗组胺药物一样,本品也可能引起过敏性反应。如遇这种情况应停止使用。 | Like other antihistamines, Antistine, too, may give rise to allergic reactions. In such cases the preparation should be withdrawn. | |
15 | 值得重视的是,通常使食品发生褐变的烹饪方法也会在食品中产生自由基并被人们摄入体内。 | It should also be appreciated that conventional cooking operations which lead to browning of foods also give rise to radicals which remain in the food and are eaten. | |
16 | 只有在少数实际情况下,有用目标才不会受到其他一些干扰目标的影响,而这些干扰目标所产生的雷达回波,都可能会混淆,甚至遮蔽有用目标的回波。 | In only a minority of practical situations does the target of interest exist in isolation from other unwanted objects which may give rise to radar echoes capable of confusing or even obscuring the wanted-target echo. | |
17 | 中国应每年向进口许可程序委员会报告其自动进口许可程序的情况,说明产生这些要求的情况,并证明继续实行的需要。 | China shall report annually to the Committee on Import Licensing on its automatic import licensing procedures, explaining the circumstances which give rise to these requirements and justifying the need for their continuation | |
18 | 主张文明优劣,无助于文明对话,势必导致文明冲突,并有可能导致人类文明的倒退。 | Advocacy for superiority of certain civilizations over others is not conducive to dialogue among civilizations, and will give rise to clashes of civilizations, and possibly, fallback of human civilization. | |
19 | 自行车和小汽车数量减少会造成一些新的问题。 | The decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems. | |
20 | 最重要的有机酐是醋酐,是一种用来生产磁带、织物纤维和阿司匹林的重要原料。有机酐用来在有机合成中引入酰基。它们与水反应生成羧酸,与醇或酚反应生成酯,与氨和胺反应生成酰胺。 | The most important organic anhydride is acetic anhydride, (CH3CO)2O, a raw material for making cellulose acetate (used for films, fibres, and plastic goods)and aspirin. It can be thought of as acetic acid minus water. Organic anhydrides are very important starting materials for organic synthesis, as they can give rise to carboxylic acids, esters, or amides under the proper conditions. | |
21 | ||1: 需求会导致更多公司的创建。位于加纳的UT Holdings创建于1997年,提供贷款服务。 ||2: 但创建者Kofi Amoabeng王子很快发现他需要提供额外的服务来维持贷款业务的运行。 ||3:他首先创立一家债务收缴公司,然后是证劵公司。||4:他说:"我们发现已有公司的需求"。||5:他不断的扩展公司的业务组合,目前还包括了一家人寿保险公司。 | ||1: Necessity can also give rise to the creation of more than one company. UT Holdings, in Ghana, started out in 1997 granting loans. ||2: But Prince Kofi Amoabeng, its founder, soon discovered that he needed to provide additional services to make the loans business work. ||3: He first added a debt-collection company, then security firms. ||4: "We found existing companies wanting," says Mr Amoabeng. ||5: He keeps expanding his business portfolio, which now includes a life-insurance firm. | |
22 | ||1:Sheikha Mayassa十分热衷于将那些一个个“响当当的名字”引入多哈。||2:Murakami作品展于2010年在凡尔赛宫举办过后,多哈也为这位日本艺术家的作品举办了一场回顾展出。||3:Hirst作品展今年四月在伦敦泰特陈列馆举办过后(QMA对其投入了200万英镑进行赞助),也将于明年第一次登陆卡塔尔这个国度。 | ||1:Sheikha Mayassa is keen to bring some big names to Doha.||2:A Murakami show at the Palace of Versailles in 2010 led to the Japanese artist’s Doha retrospective.||3:Mr Hirst’s show at Tate Modern in London, which opens on April 4th and which is costing the QMA more than £2m to sponsor, will give rise next year to a Hirst show in Qatar, another first for the region. | |
23 | ||1:巴迪欧认为爱的核心便是风险。||2:一段恋爱关系讲求既多样又相同的思想,这便总会让两人感觉不合适,导致关系紧张。||3:他一直都鄙视婚恋网上马虎配对的人。显然,这些人相信只需搜集未来另一半的“照片,喜好,生日,星座之类的”,终会成功地筛选出一个“零风险的选项”。||4:他认为,这样做忽视了爱的本质——爱中存在着风险,有可能以分手告终,它也需要其中一方的示弱。 | ||1: Mr Badiou sees risk as central to love. ||2: A loving relationship demands multiple and shared perspectives, which always give rise to incongruences and tensions. ||3: He reserves special scorn for dabblers in internet dating, who evidently believe that the search for “a photo, details of his or her tastes, date of birth, horoscope sign, etc” will ultimately net “a risk-free option”. ||4: This is to neglect the very essence of love, according to Mr Badiou, which involves the presence of risk, the possibility of failure and the need for vulnerability. | |
24 | ||1:讲到繁衍,男人表示压力很小。||2:大多数人直到去世前都拥有充足的精子。||3:女人可就没这么幸运了。||4:人到中年,她们就会耗尽出生时携带的卵子。||5:不过,这一情形很快就能得到改变。||6:研究者们证实,女人拥有卵巢干细胞,而这种细胞能成为新的卵细胞的来源。 | ||1:WHEN it comes to reproduction, men have it easy.||2:Almost to the end of their lives most have an ample supply of sperm.||3:Women are not so lucky.||4:They are born with a supply of eggs that typically runs out when they reach middle age.||5:That could be about to change, however.||6:Researchers have confirmed that women harbour ovarian stem cells, and that these can give rise to new eggs. | |
25 | 研究者们证实,女人拥有卵巢干细胞,而这种细胞能成为新的卵细胞的来源。 | Researchers have confirmed that women harbour ovarian stem cells, and that these can give rise to new eggs. | |
26 | “在同一位置的基因拷贝异变可能会引发基因数目的异常,”他讲道。 | "A CNV in the same location could give rise to any number of different conditions, " he said. | |
27 | “这种袭击事故引起我们对员工健康和安全的担忧,我们十分重视员工的人身安全。” | "Such an incident does give rise to health and safety concerns, and we take the safety of our staff very seriously. " | |
28 | 20世纪70年代两次石油危机表明供给与需求,在短期内无弹性的状态下,最终会导致储备及新产品的出现。 | The 1970s showed how demand and supply, inelastic in the short run, eventually give rise to conservation and new production. | |
29 | 不同的屏幕大小造成了不同的屏幕布局。 | Varying screen sizes give rise to varying screen layouts. | |
30 | 不卫生的环境会引起疾病。 | Unhealthy conditions give rise to disease. |